Monday, May 30, 2011


    Some readers might have noticed a change in this blog’s title [1]. I thought Mexico Noir for a title was a bit too narrowly focused, thus I settled on Caffè Noir, which seemed a good choice as it's a nice umbrella for various arts and cultural topics. Moreover, the phrase combines two of my favorite things, coffee and film noir, along with overtones of the whole coffee house gestalt and all its attendant associations. The process also led me to some revealing literature on the mysteries of blog titles and what makes them work, or not.

    BTW I was a little surprised to find that Caffè Noir apparently has not been used as a blog title - touch wood. In any case, as before most of the posts will be on film noir with perhaps an emphasis on Mexican films from the Golden Age. BTW2: unlike Amazon, but like Mr. Halliwell, I have a one through four-star system of rating movies. Thus: * not-so-good; ** ok; *** good/very good; **** awesomely.

    [1] There have also been some fairly significant layout/design changes, though I'm still fussing over the blog's exact look. I switch back & forth between a dark background as befits the blog's title, and a white backdrop, which is easier to read. As a compromise I may ultimately settle on some shading of gray. In either case the http address will remain the same :

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